Monday, September 14, 2009



i remember before it was Beyonce, Amber Rose or Rihanna - i always waited around to see what Jennifer Lopez was wearing...this year, i was sadly disappointed! the dress is cute, the clutch adn even the shoes but what is that gold shimmery shawl with sleeves? is she losing her touch? girl still is fierce, gotta give it to her!

boy is FINE!


i dont want to believe that the whole Kanye vs Taylor Swift featuring Beyonce was all staged. I would like to think that Kanye is just rude and he was drunk and Beyonce sincerely felt awful and embarrassed for Taylor...any thoughts?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

time flies

i mean i remember when romeo was like what? 11? i feel older and older every day. dammmmn.

do you think he is gay?

i know they say you aint MADE it until they question your sexuality, but there has been plenty rumors around him...what do you think?


did anyone watch the chris brown interview with larry king last night? man oh man. i couldnt bring myself to watch it. they hyped it up too much. besides i still like his music...but i dont need to see him act apologetic...

speaking of chris, rihanna was livin it up at six flags. i just love her style. the girl is gorgeous!

.en vogue.

i love these ladies...they recently performed and i'm glad they are still doing shows. now they just need to come to a city near me.